Congratulations Paul. Hope everyone is doing well and you get an opportunity to see your grandchild soon. We will see ours within a fortnight, but there will be no touching or baby holding, I am afraid. Things would have been so different a year ago.
It is sunny and warm today but windy, and after some oatmeal I will venture for a ride to get my wife the weekly paper. Same as yesterday, when I got a few miles in although there were a couple of places where the road shoulder was narrow and the crosswind was trying fairly hard to knock me over or push me into traffic. It didn't and I got a little extra exercise. I like my Brompton in windy weather because it seems less affected by the wind. A lot of people here still refuse to believe Covid is real and refuse to wear masks because they feel it abridges their freedoms. As a result, hospitals in the Dakotas, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado have already or will soon run out of bedspace and will turn people away to die at home. Unfortunately, it won't be limited to the people who refuse to wear masks, and medical care is not only threatened for Covid patients, but as you folks have mentioned many times, illnesses and accidents still continue as they have before. Sorry for the rant. Grim times.
Take care, be well, suck the juice out of every day and appreciate the people in your lives. I don't mean to be maudlin, but the comradesip I find on this forum means a lot to me.