@clid61 may I echo
@Exlaser2 's advice. It's very important to understand all your expenditure before you retire. I do mean everything, coffees out, newspapers, it's easy to remember the big stuff but it's the minor things which mount up. We cut a lot of unnecessary day to day spending and I still put plenty of effort in to finding good deals on energy, insurance etc.
I went through 12 months of bank and credit card spending to discover our costs. If you have online banking you should be able to download all this in to a spreadsheet.
We have two pensions which cover careful but comfortable living. Bikes, holidays, big household items, etc. all come out of savings or draw down from my private pension - we don't take income from this as to do so would put me above the tax threshold.
We planned it this way. We know how much we can spend from our savings and/or draw down annually until we are 100. Once Mrs P's state pension kicks in we don't have to touch either.
Of course much depends on one's attitude to inheritance. The kids will get the house but I hope the bank account will have very little in it! Too much and I haven't had a good retirement