ColinJ, you are absolutely correct. I have redone the Sheldon with 27 ", 62 chain ring, 11 sprocket and a SA XRF8 hub and came up with a low of 152.2 and a high of 464.8 gear inches. At 90 rpm that is 124.4 mph. Classic 33, is that fast enough for you? BTW, the land speed record is 183.92, set by Denise Mueller Koronek behind a faired slingshot dragster. It would have been faster, of course, if our Mo59 was on the bike.
It will be 2.8C today with a 20 mph wind. I will take Piglet, my old 'Dale M400 mtn bike with studded snow tires out for a bit today for a slooow ride.
I bought a 5.2 lb round eye beef roast yesterday which I will slowcook until it is falling apart. Then I'll probably roast some spuds, brussel sprouts, carrots and cauliflower for accompaniment. That is if my wife doesn't take over and kick me out of the kitchen. Either way, I bet there will be enough meat tonight.
Our son is insisting we have Tdap and flu shots before we can visit our new grandson. We had the flu shot yesterday and learned that here anyway, people over 65 have a different shot than younger folks, 3 strains of flu vs. 4. In any case the only side effect for me has been a sore area where the shot was shooted. We'll have the Tdap in 2 weeks.
Stay well and happy, and as I learned from YouTube, don't bitch about getting old, it doesn't last that long, anyway.