The Retirement Thread

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Hello all.
Dreadful night. This bloody long Covid will not leave us alone.
I will not bore you. MrsD went through what I went through 2 weeks ago. Asleep in bed and her body decides to throw up. Problem being she was too weak to even sit up........I won't be graphic but you can imagine the mess.
I managed to strip the bed and phone our daughter who is coming at 0900 to help as I am too weak to get MrsD into the shower.
Surely things must get better soon**
**being realistic, this virus has killed younger, fitter people than us so we really do count our blessings.
Sounds dreadful Dave. Chorley Paul sends you both good luck and best wishes.
Morning all, the sun and the recycling bins are both out :smile:

Deleted member 1258

Pah. I should have know the rain gods would have a laugh as usual. Only minutes out the door and the first spits started then got progressively heavier all the way round. :laugh:

Never mind, I now have a bowl of porridge which should be about the right temperature to get stuck into now. :mrpig:

Its piddling down here and is forecast to be for most of the day, my ride has been put back to Saturday.:sad:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Not raining here yet, but watch this space as they say.

It's bin day tomorrow. Luckily not the main Bin. That was last week. That is the most exciting thing I have to look forward to today.

What was exciting was that last week the Bin men gave me more bags to put the food waste into. And not just 1 lot but 2. :hyper:


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Very late night, last night, enjoying our friends company.
Much banter and alcohol.
They're off back home to Worcestershire today, but it seems that their move down to Minehead could be a couple of weeks away, or so.
Can't wait! ^_^


Legendary Member
.Not t
Good day. It's been raining and we are forecast for more. The temperature is a ridiculous 13⁰C and a gentle breeze. I think it's too warm to sleep.

Early breakfast of porridge along with a Netflix movie. Such is life these days.....

I’m a Netflix fan Not that early in the morning though To busy reading the Retirement and Mundane News threads

Best threads on CC :laugh::hyper:


Legendary Member
Tails of woe -
Yesterday I had fish pie (shop bought) and cauliflower cheese (home made) 10 minutes after I had finished I was sick as a dog xx(, I think I may have had food poisoning, I feel OK now
Also yesterday I went to read my meter only to find the cupboard was locked, it now turns out one has to either email or phone the housing association to get someone from Andover some 21 miles away to read my meter:wacko:
I also learnt that the council has now refused to pick up our plastic bin bags (we can't have wheelie bins) due to elf and safety and now the housing association are going to do it, cost has not been worked out as yet, but they are saying something around £60 a year, I hope I'll get a reduction in my council tax, but knowing them no :angry:
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