Ooooohhhh which makes/models does your LBS stock ???
It's very likely to be a Tifossi Cavazzo frame built up to my spec. I've hummed and ha'd about this for months. I've been concerned about overall performance but given the uses I have in mind am less concerned.
Might sound silly but a big priority is to protect my beloved Cervelo from the ravages of winter. I have to make the Cervelo last as I can't afford a new one. So I need a winter bike.
Also want to get in to gravel riding. Nothing extreme. Myself and my buddies are getting tired of our usual routes, we have to travel further and further to find new roads. The plan is to ride towpaths, farm roads, cyclepaths etc. For example there's a 55 mile loop to Manchester which is all off road.
The bike this replaces was my tourer/winter bike. The new one will do all three and as none are performance related this isn't a factor. Otherwise the Cavazzo ticks all the boxes.
The LBS have offered me an extraordinary deal on the frame which means I can invest in great wheels and group set.