I also slowed down on my bimble yesterday as there was a lady standing at the side of the road with her bike. I thought she maybe had a mechanical but turned out she was just waiting on a friend. Always nice to check though.
It doesn't happen often, but a few years ago a cyclist slowed down to ask if I needed help when I was trying to sort out a punctured tyre on a grass verge. I thanked him and said that I would be fine, but then immediately changed my mind...
I had forgotten to take a pair of reading glasses out with me so I had been struggling to see what I was doing trying to remove the sliver of glass that had caused the flat. He hopped off his bike and got it out for me in seconds. He offered to do the rest of the repair, but that was not a problem for me so I thanked him and sent him on his way.
Just in case you may be thinking of travelling by bus in Manchester.
I don't trust wild animals... What if that snake suddenly decided that he was a threat and started constricting his neck!
Speaking of wild animals and attacks... I don't think I mentioned it at the time (but with my dodgy memory, I
MAY have done!

) - the other evening I was coming down a steep descent into Todmorden and saw something lying in the road ahead. I couldn't really concentrate on it because my attention was focussed on avoiding high speed collisions with dry stone walls at the time...

I swerved around the object only for it to suddenly come to life! A hawk of some sort flew off in one direction, and a rather mangled pigeon took off in the opposite direction, shedding feathers as it went. I don't know if the hawk went back for a second attack or whether the pigeon got away with it.