Bimble outnfor a post lunch 8 miler.
The bike itself is nice. Heavy, but comfortable and rolls very well. Brakes are good and the Kenda tyres suit it well. Great fun descending, very flickable yet sure footed.
The electrical assistance is strange. Its torque sensitive, so the harder you stomp on the pedals the more torque it delivers. This makes pulling away very brisk. On the open road my average speed was 17-18mph, so most of the time the motor wasn't engaging. I left it off for several miles, and despite being weighty kept and easy speed to to the bikes rolling ability.
The real ace is hill climbing. Long gentle gradients are flattened, and flicked into max assist it positively leaped up a short steep hill about a mile from home.
I think I know what this bike does - it flattens the peaks on the effort curve. I suspect in NET terms the amount if effort it makes on my behalf is minor, but it makes the effort more consistent. Perhaps a little harder on the flat than any of my road bikes, but much easier on the hills.
I've put it back in charge - the manual states it should be charged for 12 hours before use so ive been naughty - but over the next few days I'm looking forward to getting to know it a bit better and determining what the useful powered range may be.