Today and yesterday were free of smoke haze from forest fires hundreds of miles away. Once again I cann see individual trees on the mountain about six car miles south. It's 16C now with a high of 30....sometimes it's a privilege to live here. Yesterday I took a shorter ride of 18 miles in which I climbed 600 feet in 3 parts less than a mile total. I try to do most of the climbing in the beginning so as not cook the leetle grey cells which need all the help they can get.
In October I began working on building a sheepherders wagon on an 8 x 4 trailer I'd been using to haul stuff like rocks or compost or wood chips. In the last few days my friend from across the street , who has helped all along, and I, had finished the wiring in my trailer and the Honda Element which will tow it, and installed a tow hitch. So we took it on a maiden voyage of about 8 miles, going from 5300 feet to 6700 feet and back down to my place. I need pretty sure the Element would pull ok, and it did. My worry was controlling it and braking on the descent and then backing it into the driveway, without damaging anything. Trailer backing up is something I've had little experience with and that wasn't good. Still lots of little things to do..... according to Mrs 12 days the interior is meh, but it works and I'm largely done. Got to sort out the water, cooking stuff, lighting and other fun stuff.
I originally began this project, which I'd always thought about, to engage my friend, who was depressed with some persistent issues that may have been cancer, but I found that having a project helped me a lot with my own b.s. Trailer therapy.