I must be a human garbage disposal. I enjoy eating pretty much anything that is unprocessed, although my gluttony is tempered by my need to avoid sugars, carbs and salt. In the later summer I would pause in the garden on the way to my bike sheds to chow down on tomatoes pulled from the vine. I might add a cuke or two and a handful of raspberries. Fresh produce is so much tastier than grocery store stuff. At the moment the tomatoes are just turning red, but there are yellow and green squash, Bush beans and soon pole beans, cuke,s lettuc and Swiss chard. A little later there will be carrots and shallots. Used to have peppers and eggplants but they have never done well enough to be worth the bother. The past couple of springs have seen April snows that prevented getting a lot of apples or wild plums. The plums are small with little meat, but one year I must have made 2 dozen 8oz jars of jam. Like wild strawberries, the wild plums have a much more intensive taste than the larger and fleshier domestic ones. Food is good.