OK Folks,
How about this for a plot for a Netflix series. A quadriplegic girl lies dead on a Mortuary slab in the basement of a Convent. Cue sounds of gunfire and explosions and enter a group of female warriors dressed in black Ninja style outfits pursued by the baddies.
But these are not your run of the mill black clad female warriors, oh no, they are Nuns striving to hold back the forces of evil. Realising that the powers of darkness are about to take the upper hand, the leader of the Ninja Nuns hides the Holy relic that she possesses ( a halo from a Saint ) inside the body of the dead girl.
Battle finished, the remaining nuns retreat to regroup, camera pans to body of young girl on Mortuary slab. What's this? are her legs twitching? but she's quadriplegic, or was, as the holy relic has not only brought her back from the dead, it has also imbued her with Superpowers!
So starts episode 1 of " Warrior Nun " As a Netflix subscriber I get the occasional Email advising of new content, this one seemed so daft I had to take a look. Forget Welshie's Bloomers, there's Nuns clad in close fitting black leather Ninja outfits to fill our imaginations now...