The Retirement Thread

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My modest pootle in the Pentlands this morning can’t compare with Mo’s pre breakfast epic !

Nothing exciting seen or heard today but enjoyed the company of the usual suspects, skylarks, swifts, the odd grouse, the odd curlew, the odd hare.


Looks and sounds wonderful. We've got pitter patter raindrops again. :sad:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Us men have our uses then? ;)
You could have said we men which I suppose is open to misinterpretation.
It does however remind me of Littlemill Distillery where we did a lot of fabrication work ourselves mainly from back of envelope drawings produced by the owner who was also managing director. We had a general engineer and an electrician both about 5 ft in height who had a pretty free hand to interpret the scribblings and turn them into something useful. They were known collectively as "The Gnomes".
Problem was they built everything to suit themselves and anything they were involved in always had limited headroom so far as the rest of us were concerned. Hard hats were not common then but in retrospect I should have issued them to all the workforce and made sure I had one as well. Would have saved a few sore heads as they walked under but the rest of us had to remember to stoop.


Legendary Member

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Looks like it is going to rain here.
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