Good afternoon all. Been up since 9am and took Molly to the beach where she had a good run and a swim in the sea. When is she going to learn to bring the ball back though? She runs after it, grabs it and then leaves it there so I have to go and get it. Anyway, she had a bath when we got home and then took my wife to the bank. I watched the news at 12 and, as from Monday, we will be restricted to a 5 miles radius from your home but will be able to have visitors from another household, in the garden only. I will watch the rest of it on the 6pm news.
I was planning to cycle up the Great Orme tomorrow so I must make sure I do it as it will be too far away from my home on Monday.
Right, I must disconnect and remove the old washing machine now, ready for the new one on Sunday. The old one will have to stay outside until the scrap man can come and collect it, for free as Currys wanted £20 to take it away. Sod that!
Have a good rest of the day everyone and stay safe.