WD didn't send across a measure or two of her pink grapefruit gin did she?
Sadly no. I had one beer last night.
Hello world. Another beautiful day has dawned.
I have never had a Covid test.
I feel physically normal.
Come on guys let's think of some more exciting questions. Or should I say I've got a sniffle and see what happens? 😄
So today I have a relaxed 30 miler ahead. Meeting one of the club ladies at 9.30. Yesterday was so good. I turned up at the cafe solo to bump in to a guy I hadn't seen since I retired, a fellow club member then arrived with his family, next two lady members arrived, I was just leaving when two more lady members arrived. Took 90 minutes to do the cafe stop. Last Wednesday I saw seven different members turn up at the same cafe. Only a few wearing club kit so I'm unsure if Charlie, cafe owner, realises just how many CCCers are supporting her.
It's really heartwarming to see how happy everyone is to see each other.
This evening I'm popping out to see my best friend for the first time since January. Really looking forward to this.