The Retirement Thread

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What with all the talk of Welshies bloomers and now Monkers vest, the forum is certainly getting a certain frisson. 😁

It doesn't seem to take too much to get some of you chaps excited. :laugh:

Now get off me steps! 😄



It's a thing, muscle is denser than fat IIRC. I used to be quite interested in nutrition/endurance when I was doing a bit of distance running.

Thanks for that - it's a bit reassuring.


Legendary Member
Day 8 out on my bike.

It's 20 deg C outside, but to me feels hotter. Humid too. I've just been out to try a ride for the second time today - and for the second time I've come home in a puddle of sweat. I'd stripped down to a longish vest top and footless tights. I managed 8.1 miles in 28:22 - barely sporty. Data says average 17.2 mph, max speed 26.2.

The seafront was mobbed with visitors, car parking spaces all taken, pavements full, meandathals in the road. I had to brake and take evasive action a number of times. The sea breeze provided enough resistance to make me sweat a bit harder. Still panting (shhh ... don't tell my doctor) as I type and in need of a shower.

One thing I've noticed; I'm eating less and moving more, and more vigorously at that, but somehow my weight is increasing. Maybe fat is turning to muscle mass and accounting for it? Is that even a thing? Or a fanciful notion? :wacko:

Fat will not turn to muscle You will through your exercise burn fat and increase your muscle mass..I found after an enforced lay of I had put on a stone in weight Starting exercising again I quickly burned the fat leading to weight loss.As i exercised more my muscle mass increased leading to an increase in pre op levels. Stic k with it you are doing well
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Legendary Member
No more than any other part.

And maybe not as old as you think.
"According to researchers, the body replaces itself with a largely new set of cells every seven years to 10 years, and some of our most important parts are revamped even more rapidly [sources: Stanford University, Northrup]."

No one has told my body that.Going to ask for a total replacement


Leg End Member

Might explain the reporting.
Press Officer needs to check.

Devon Police
"Officers in Devon said parking wardens were running out of tickets people from all over the converged on the seaside to bask in the warm weather."
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Legendary Member
I'm already organising them.....;)
Seriously though, there's thousands of Grockles coming down when they've been told that nothing is open.
All the public toilets are closed, pubs and cafes are closed. It's not going to be pleasant clearing up after this lot.
I can see there being traffic checks being introduced on the main roads.
Why can they not see that its so wrong for so many reasons.
The whole world is in sh*t street but they think they are above it.
And as you say, its the mess they leave. Dreadful.
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Legendary Member
Unless there is a bad second wave you should be ok for September but distancing will be still in place and you may be recommended to bring food with you if self catering to avoid the local shops as too many customers would cause problems. The islands are very twitchy about people coming in from mainland although I think Tiree has already had some infection. Only been on Tiree once but have dived and fished around the area. My dive buddy was seasick once in Gunna Sound while in the water. Heavy swell in certain tidal conditions and we found the largest lobster I have ever seen living in the boiler of a wreck there.
I only dived off Mull the time I worked crazy hours and it was a long drive.
Nice and clear (apart from one horrible dive).


Started young, and still going.
Why can they not see that its so wrong for so many reasons.
The whole worls is in sh*t street but they think they are above it.
And as you say, its the mess they leave. Dreadful.
As I posted this morning, our local fields have suddenly become a hotspot for picknickers, people who have never been there before. The mess they leave behind is quite incredible. Bottles, cans, tissues, plastic bags. They bring the stuff with them but are too lazy, ignorant and self centred to take the stuff home with them.


If 6 Was 9
Why can they not see that its so wrong for so many reasons.
The whole worls is in sh*t street but they think they are above it.
And as you say, its the mess they leave. Dreadful.
The other thing that bugs us locals is that, with everything closed, they are not putting anything into the local economy.
So we end up with all the hassle, worry and mess with no gain.
They probably dont even buy their fuel in this area to get home.
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