That's why I stopped running.....the last couple of runs I tripped and nearly went down. Just not lifting my feet enough. I get the odd good day which keeps me going, but there are days I contemplate an e-bike!
Having had lower back pain for many years I've had to change my ways in lifting, shovelling snow or dirt and by adding stretching. A few months ago I began doing planks, front and sides, almost daily. I then added in a couple of other core exercises and found this has really helped with back ache and fatigue when shovelling snow or lifting heavy objects such as a rototiller into the back of my truck. I think the planks are good because they are a static exercise and because they take just under 5 minutes to do.
Occasionally I take a day or two off bike riding and only do resistance training with at least a day's interval between workouts. Seems to help with feeling chronically tired. Hope you feel better soon.