That will bring back memories for you.
My Dad didn't fight in the war. MrsDs Dad (who I was very close to landed at Dunkirk the day after he turned 19. I know he then went to Burma, was wounded twice and captured by the Japanese although the camp was liberated shortly after. He very rarely talked about the war, in fact MrsD can't recall him ever talking about it.
My Dad, born 1918, so, just at the end of one war, was conscripted (Army REME) for WW2, age 21.
He never really talked about the war, or the Army for that matter.
After a few weeks basic training, he was shipped off to North Africa, was in Tobruk, then, shipped off to Burma. Never back to UK once between 1939 and 1945. No doubt, many others were in the same situation.
There were a few things he would not do, in later life, all on the basis that he had had his fill of such activities during the war:
1. Camping
2. Attend any form of marching or ceremonial event
I don't think he was a willing Soldier, and, I am sure I would not have been either, born in 1947, thank goodness, I never had to find out.