The Retirement Thread

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Been somewhat demotivated the last few days despite getting on with stuff. Had a good long nap this afternoon and woke feeling much more up for things. Going to try hard to carry this through to tomorrow morning.


Killing Eve? Some on here that had watched on BBC iplayer didn't rate this series, but I watched it anyway. So, so.

Up and with coffee before a walk. Not sure about cycling as it's yet another day of a very strong easterly.
Yes, Killing Eve. I think it's a problem with all successful series. The first we thought was brilliant, witty and twisted all over the place. The second series I enjoyed but not so much and last night I was only half engaged.

Have to confess I was playing online Canasta while watching but couldn't see much developing except Villanelle was clearly a rather nasty child.

Sad about Kenny. :sad:

Have to confess I can watch this just for Jodie Comer. She is rather lovely.


Sheffield, UK
Mornin' all.
Let's see, what have I got on today ...




Started young, and still going.
Morning all, nice and sunny here at the moment.
I will be out with the dog soon and then a bike ride including some shopping at the local grocers for some fruit and vegetables. Got to keep the vitamin level up.
Then into the garden, the grass needs cutting and I have some chard and spinach to plant out. Parsnip and Swede seed to sow. The beetroot is just poking through, so it's all go in the garden.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Morning all, a bike shopping trip today, Mrs J had her Ridgeback Comet nicked on Saturday in Chichester, I forgot the key to my heavy duty D lock so we used her cable lock, they nicked hers also another ladies bike and left my trek FX, I was sort off disappointed (not really) but couldn't understand the logic. Allotment later today.
I decided to disable my FB account last night as I was addicted and was becoming a bit of a keyboard warrior.
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