Well. I tried phoning the Doctor again, just to see if I had missed the webstite.
Listened to the whole message again and sure enough it tells me to go online but doesn't give me the website.
Just about to hang up when bingo......someone answers
Me. Ahh, hello. How to I get my repeat prescription?
Her. Go online
Me. I dont do computers so how do I get it?(trying to shortcut it)
Her. Sorry, it has to be done online.
Me. Ok. What is the website?
Her. You need our password.
Me. Ok. What is the password?
Her. On this one occasion I will send it to your chemist and you can collect in 48 hours.
Me. Well, what is the password so I can do it next time.
Her. I will put it in the post for you
Me. Cant you just tell me what it is.
Her. No, I will post it.
As I said before.....god help really old people who really dont do computers
Listened to the whole message again and sure enough it tells me to go online but doesn't give me the website.
Just about to hang up when bingo......someone answers
Me. Ahh, hello. How to I get my repeat prescription?
Her. Go online
Me. I dont do computers so how do I get it?(trying to shortcut it)
Her. Sorry, it has to be done online.
Me. Ok. What is the website?
Her. You need our password.
Me. Ok. What is the password?
Her. On this one occasion I will send it to your chemist and you can collect in 48 hours.
Me. Well, what is the password so I can do it next time.
Her. I will put it in the post for you
Me. Cant you just tell me what it is.
Her. No, I will post it.
As I said before.....god help really old people who really dont do computers