The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Well. I tried phoning the Doctor again, just to see if I had missed the webstite.
Listened to the whole message again and sure enough it tells me to go online but doesn't give me the website.
Just about to hang up when bingo......someone answers
Me. Ahh, hello. How to I get my repeat prescription?
Her. Go online
Me. I dont do computers so how do I get it?(trying to shortcut it)
Her. Sorry, it has to be done online.
Me. Ok. What is the website?
Her. You need our password.
Me. Ok. What is the password?
Her. On this one occasion I will send it to your chemist and you can collect in 48 hours.
Me. Well, what is the password so I can do it next time.
Her. I will put it in the post for you
Me. Cant you just tell me what it is.
Her. No, I will post it.
As I said before.....god help really old people who really dont do computers


Legendary Member
Morning all. Thanks for reminding me to order my repeat prescription, I do it through Patient Access online it's so easy!

Looks like it's going to be a nice day here in the capital, so more gardening. Thinking of breaking the rules and going out on the summer bike this afternoon only local though, there's enough hills here for a good workout :bicycle:
If I may ask, roughly wherabouts are you?
You say the Capital but also mention hills. That takes me to M40 Jcn 4. Am I close ???


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Well. I tried phoning the Doctor again, just to see if I had missed the webstite.
Listened to the whole message again and sure enough it tells me to go online but doesn't give me the website.
Just about to hang up when bingo......someone answers
Me. Ahh, hello. How to I get my repeat prescription?
Her. Go online
Me. I dont do computers so how do I get it?(trying to shortcut it)
Her. Sorry, it has to be done online.
Me. Ok. What is the website?
Her. You need our password.
Me. Ok. What is the password?
Her. On this one occasion I will send it to your chemist and you can collect in 48 hours.
Me. Well, what is the password so I can do it next time.
Her. I will put it in the post for you
Me. Cant you just tell me what it is.
Her. No, I will post it.
As I said before.....god help really old people who really dont do computers

Very true.

In addition many "young" people either do not. know how to use the technology and/or do not possess it.

Not everyone has high speed broadband and a PC.

I am all in favour of using technology to improve things, but, provision must be made for those who cannot use it, for whatever reason.


If 6 Was 9
Well. I tried phoning the Doctor again, just to see if I had missed the webstite.
Listened to the whole message again and sure enough it tells me to go online but doesn't give me the website.
Just about to hang up when bingo......someone answers
Me. Ahh, hello. How to I get my repeat prescription?
Her. Go online
Me. I dont do computers so how do I get it?(trying to shortcut it)
Her. Sorry, it has to be done online.
Me. Ok. What is the website?
Her. You need our password.
Me. Ok. What is the password?
Her. On this one occasion I will send it to your chemist and you can collect in 48 hours.
Me. Well, what is the password so I can do it next time.
Her. I will put it in the post for you
Me. Cant you just tell me what it is.
Her. No, I will post it.
As I said before.....god help really old people who really dont do computers
Google the clinic/doctor surgery, get on the website and then use a mask/character set generator to crack the password.
Simples. :okay:


Legendary Member
Morning all :hello:

My part of Devon can't be in the UK then.
We rarely get frosts and I haven't seen snow on the ground for a good 5 years. :smile:
We often reminisce about April 1971 when we set of for Carbis Bay**. We set off in freezing fog and hail.
Got to Carbis Bay and were sunbathing on the beach
**I know thats Cornwall but thats only down the road from you ^_^


Leg End Member
I hope you get this sorted out quickly classic.

Is the review the standard one whereby we have to speak with our GP to be sure there are no side effects and the meds are working? I do this once a year and would have thought it could be done by phone/video?
It's that one. Only the combination being taken require a face to face consultation. They've not had this situation before.

43 years, 1 month & 9 days* for one lot and 38 years, 7 months for the other.

*6th March 1977


Legendary Member
We often reminisce about April 1971 when we set of for Carbis Bay**. We set off in freezing fog and hail.
Got to Carbis Bay and were sunbathing on the beach
**I know thats Cornwall but thats only down the road from you ^_^

I remember going to Carbis Bay early 90's I think, when the kids were young. Beautiful place until I saw a Wimpy Bar on the beach, I couldn't believe it, how could the planners allow it!
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