The Retirement Thread

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Has the memory of a goldfish
I haven't had one from Boris but I had one from my doctor, an identical one from the hospital and another which was co-signed by theSecretary of State for Health and Social care & the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government!

The last one informed me that I'm in the 'Extremely Clinically Vulneable' group and shouldn't leave the house for ANY reason... i.e stay at home at all times. For at least twelve weeks.

Two down, ten to go... (at least).:sad::thumbsdown:

But I'm still better off than poor Boris. Hope he gets better soon.


Legendary Member
Completely lacking in motivation this afternoon...........I shall make a cup of tea.
I did the same earlier but at my age I get easily confused and ended up with a whisky :laugh:


Legendary Member
My pasta bake. Pasta, potato, broccoli, ham n cheese etc. Quite pleased as its a first for me.


Been out for another little 10 mile cycle. After first having to drive 10 miles to check on my 86 year old mum who had left her phone off the hook ........ again. Oh well if I add up all my micro rides this week I am up to 35 miles , nearly up the the length of one decent ride 😀😀 Hoping to get another little ride in on Friday , might even get over 40 miles for the week 😀😀


Legendary Member
Lovely afternoon for giving the bikes a bit of spit and polish, looking forward to when I can put a few miles on the clock!....

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