Off topic, have you tried Fat Boys in Arnold, proper cafe food.
Have you seen my "gravitationally challenged" id? There's a blummin' great hill between here and Arnold, and since Arnold is at a similar although very slightly higher elevation, a blummin' great hill on the way back. From here, the choice is Westdale Lane, which is reasonably benign but with a final kick up which has never yet defeated me, but is ill advised when the GP not far from the top has called me in for a BP test, and Arnold Lane, which is an exhilarating switchback on descent, but a debilitating switchback the other way, and bears an unfortunate nominal similarity to a Pink Floyd track, which in itself is sufficient grounds to avoid it. This isn't Lincolnshire, you know. OK, it's not Derbyshire either, but there's a very good reason I limit my rides to a generally southerly or easterly direction: the lack of mountains in the way. Furthermore, can you imagine the reputational damage that might be caused if I was recorded entering an establishment called "Fat Boys"? I'm thinking of the damage to theirs, not mine; I have no reputation to defend, but they might have some difficulty in appealing to irony in their choice of name when confronted with evidence of a waddling barrage balloon in front of their nameplate.
OK, I'll give it a try when circumstances allow.