The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
Good morning all fellow retirees, a lovely sunny start to the day yet again.
What to do today?
Another solitary dog walk followed by a solitary bike ride and then some more messing about in the garden.
I was surprised just how many people opened their front doors at 8.00 last night and applauded. Well done everyone who took part:bravo:, and a big BOO to those who couldn't be bothered.

Deleted member 1258

:hello: Good morning folks, bright, sunny and cold agin this morning, shopping and odd jobs today.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Strange sleep which i put down to this returning lurgy. Went to bed early, very tired. Woke up at 12.30 covered in sweat and had to change PJs. Straight back to sleep then 02.30 same again but so bad we had to turn the duvet over and another change of PJs. Straightback to sleep again. Very strange.
Another beautifuld day with a heavy frost.
Off to do some early food shopping for the aunty. Going early in the hope i wont have queue around the car park just to get in.
Hey ho.
Not sure I would be going to the shops with these symptoms!


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Shopping was odd yesterday. Walked down to Tesco and there was a queue about 100yds long where they were doing a one out - one in system. Beggar that, we thought.
Carried on around to the Co Op in the village centre. Straight in, and shopping done in about 5 minutes.


Good Morning Everyone
I thought that was quite emotional last night everyone clapping for all the health staff.
Plan to get out about ten this morning for a bike ride.:bicycle:.Then just mooch about the house.

Yes it was. Most of our terrace was out and the ones who didn't know about it soon appeared when they heard our noise. We live very rurally but it was the thing to do. We have two doctors on our row - they are working God knows what hours, they are married and both happened to be home last night. 'Twas good.


Legendary Member
Following a conversation on our local page on Facebook. Some woman is getting grief from a guy because she is asking if anyone has a wooden pallet she can have to make something in the garden to amuse her kids to keep them occupied. Basically, he is saying that's non essential and coming across as a pompous prick while she is trying to explain that her husband could pick it up when he is shopping and wouldn't come into contact with anyone. What do you think? Is he correct or just being an annoying twat?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Following a conversation on our local page on Facebook. Some woman is getting grief from a guy because she is asking if anyone has a wooden pallet she can have to make something in the garden to amuse her kids to keep them occupied. Basically, he is saying that's non essential and coming across as a pompous prick while she is trying to explain that her husband could pick it up when he is shopping and wouldn't come into contact with anyone. What do you think? Is he correct or just being an annoying twat?

Some people are just prats.


Following a conversation on our local page on Facebook. Some woman is getting grief from a guy because she is asking if anyone has a wooden pallet she can have to make something in the garden to amuse her kids to keep them occupied. Basically, he is saying that's non essential and coming across as a pompous prick while she is trying to explain that her husband could pick it up when he is shopping and wouldn't come into contact with anyone. What do you think? Is he correct or just being an annoying twat?
Annoying twat............................and other descriptions :laugh::laugh:


Has the memory of a goldfish
Following a conversation on our local page on Facebook. Some woman is getting grief from a guy because she is asking if anyone has a wooden pallet she can have to make something in the garden to amuse her kids to keep them occupied. Basically, he is saying that's non essential and coming across as a pompous prick while she is trying to explain that her husband could pick it up when he is shopping and wouldn't come into contact with anyone. What do you think? Is he correct or just being an annoying twat?
Yeah, I'll go with option 2.


Has the memory of a goldfish
I usually go into town to the record stall on the market but...
A) I can't get out
B) No way am I taking a bus (if they are even running now)
C) The record guy probably won't be there anyway

So I'll most likely have to do some tidying up around the house. I'll probably enjoy it once I get going (he said, hopefully)
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