The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
What was not clear?
Well some people think we can cycle, other people think we can't. I think it needs clarfying.
Maybe its just me.
Having read other posts, its not just me :rolleyes:
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.


Legendary Member
Yes, but for how long is the question being asked, can we do a 3 or 4 hour solo ride, or are we limited to an hour, or half an hour, theres been nothing defined officially.
Petsonally I would prefer him to say that 2 people can go together. At our age and beating in mind what happened to me at the weekend I think that makes more sense.
There is no one in my extended family that cycles, apart from my son, and he is 60 miles away.
I cycle with just on regular mate. Fortunate in that we enjoy similar mileages.


Legendary Member
Personally, I made the decision not to go out for rides during those demanding times for the following reason: the NHS has enough on its hand and it would be selfish and inconsiderate of me to expect their services should anything happen to me on a ride. Treating people suffering from the virus is more important than any cycling injuries, so I will set up my home turbo again and use that.
I cannot disagree with you there.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Petsonally I would prefer him to say that 2 people can go together. At our age and beating in mind what happened to me at the weekend I think that makes more sense.
There is no one in my extended family that cycles, apart from my son, and he is 60 miles away.
I cycle with just on regular mate. Fortunate in that we enjoy similar mileages.

In that case Dave, if you don't want to cycle on your own, don't have anyone near enough to cycle with, then the answer is don't cycle. They can't make different rules for every single person for every single eventuality. It is what it is. :okay:


Legendary Member
In that case Dave, if you don't want to cycle on your own, don't have anyone near enough to cycle with, then the answer is don't cycle. They can't make different rules for every single person for every single eventuality. It is what it is. :okay:
Hey..... I am not arguing with him. I am merely stating a preference. If I can't do it then thats the answer.
Lets not start falling out over this.


Legendary Member
Hello again. I've been awake since 4.00! ☹😭

It's now officially a beautiful day. I will finish the first coat in the kitchen. At 9.00ish I will walk to the garage and establish the position on MOTs.

Shortly after this I will call the dentist.

I'm going to discuss cycling with Mrs P. This may have to wait......she was still awake and reading in the spare room when I woke at 4.00........there may be trouble ahead, he hummed quietly to himself. 😂
I am going to do you a BIG favour. I know that the virus will never touch you so......
when you have finished all your painting and are looking for jobs to can come here and paint a couple of rooms ^_^
How generous am I then.


Legendary Member
I see garages are on the list that can remain open, so presumably as long as they are still getting enough business they will.

I emailed the dentist last night to cancel my check up. Don't see the point of putting myself or anyone at the surgery at any risk.
I lost a filling just before this kicked off. Its not hurting and is in a place I clean quite easily. Not sure what to do.
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