The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all. A good looong sleep last night. Just had a nica cuppa and am slowly coming round.
Its bright and sunny but quite cold.
Mrs D is out all day so I get to play ^_^.
A ride is on, probably another 20.
I may then walk to the pub and see what guest ales are on today, they normally have 3 or 4 on.
I have a few bits and bobs to do but nothing much.
Have a nice day :smile:


Über Member
South of England
Good morning - A grey day today. Supermarket shopping to be done and an allotment to see to if it doesn't rain too much for me to ride there.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Good morning early risers and good afternoon to others. Was up at 6.30 this morning expecting my first day back at school but they don't need me today. :evil:
Will take Molly for a walk on the beach shortly and then probably a 20 miles + ride. :bicycle:
No idea what I will be doing this afternoon. It is quite lonely without my wife to be honest and she is not back till the 25th. I am glad I have the dog for company.


Legendary Member
I am as happy as a frog in a puddle right now.

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