The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member


Legendary Member
Last few days a bit mixed. 'Canalathon' on Saturday, surprisingly un-knackered and cramp free Sunday, so took the dog for a walk and not much else. Today a bit dull, chased a few scrap cars up, let down on three but should have secured one and another three or four now on the radar.

Locked out of my council garage, they've 'helpfully' said they can't get out to it until the 6th of June. They're either going to find themselves without a garage door or without rent for the weeks it's out of action. Can't get my scooter out and fancied going for a decent blast.


Started young, and still going.
A lovely sunny day here in Hertfordshire. Plenty to do today. I plan to get a couple of my elderly bikes out and clean them up and give them an outing . One is a 1976 Dawes galaxy mostly still original apart from the tyres, chain and rear freewheel, although I think that dates from about 1984. As it is a nice day that will get a spin later on.


Legendary Member
A lovely sunny day here in Hertfordshire. Plenty to do today. I plan to get a couple of my elderly bikes out and clean them up and give them an outing . One is a 1976 Dawes galaxy mostly still original apart from the tyres, chain and rear freewheel, although I think that dates from about 1984. As it is a nice day that will get a spin later on.
I have always regretted selling a Dawes Audax I had several years ago. They are a bit under appreciated bikes I think.

Early jog done a while ago with lead boots this least that's what it felt like!

Bit overcast here. Not sure what the day holds.


Legendary Member
Morning gang. Mixed weather here, lots of cloud but blue patches and its quite warm.
Progress being made on the decorating. Kitchen will be finished this morning and he will move to the exterior.
Lots of 'bitty' problems have prevented me riding eg a radiator had to come off and a valve broke = a leak. So I am dashing around for a cap to seal it. We have to drain the system to change the valve plus 2 rads we were not happy with........when am I going to get a ride in :blush:


Started young, and still going.
I have always regretted selling a Dawes Audax I had several years ago. They are a bit under appreciated bikes I think.

Bit overcast here. Not sure what the day holds.
Was it the yellow and black version? I have had one for many years, as you say very underrated bikes.
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