Not completely obsolete. However the P51 Mustang with the same engine could walk away from it. The Mustang made better use of the Meredith Effect, which if I understand correctly, turned the radiator outlet into a sort of jet. The Mustang had laminar wings. The spitfire didn't. I do not understand the physics, but something to do with the aerodynamic centre of the Spitfire being too close to its centre of gravity meant that the Spitfire could not carry much in the way of underwing fuel tanks or bombs, so it was stuck as a short range fighter. The Spitfire V was completely outclassed by the Fw190. The Spitfire VIII addressed some of the airframe's shortcomings, but the RAF needed something right now, so they put a Merlin 61 with a dual intercooled supercharger in a Spitfire V airframe and called it a Spitfire IX. That could hold its own.
The Tornado/Typhoon was supposed to be the replacement fighter. It was built around a much bigger engine, but sadly the Rolls Royce Vulture failed and with it the Tornado. The Napier Sabre engine had a lot of teething problems with its sleeve valves. With all the effort it took to get it working reliably, they had no resource left to develop a supercharger for it, so it was only good at low altitude.
Depends on who you read, what you're comparing tbf
Spitfire, like all wartime aircraft was under continual improvement and development throughout the war...much by neccessity as new technology was developed and in response to 'enemy' improvements.
Article below states the Spitfire was faster, had a better climb rate than the Mustang, however, the mustang did absorb punishment better and was better suited to long range escort. Later Spits did carry more underwing armament than the Mustangs
Horses for courses..of course. Lots of pro's and con's with both
As an aside, my father was a prolific and successful aviation artist and had acres of books for reference. One was Spitfire based and a part of that book chronicled the history of some individual aircraft, squadrons, introduction date etc etc etc. It was stark how many never actually made it to combat, lost to weather, training mishaps, crashes etc etc. I might look tonight, if i still have it, i know where it'll be.