The old boy next door to me was an aircraft mechanic in the late 40s and 50s and well remembers working on vampires, venoms and vixens. I dont know if he worked on the Bucc, but I'll ask him now I've seen that.
I think my dad joined around 1949 but he went down the bomber route, Valiants then Vulcans, spending almost his entire 20 odd year career with them. He didnt like fighters, too fiddly, too difficult to work on, trying to access stuff he'd worked briefly on wartime machinery, mosquitos etc, but I remember saying to him...when you think about the pace of change and technology post war, it must have been mind boggling, new machines , technology and engines almost constantly.
He replied along the lines was perhaps some of the most exciting times of his life, this was cutting edge stuff at the time. Mum said a few months ago when we were reminiscing...your dad almost used to run out the door to work, he loved it that much.