It's six of one for me. On the one hand I work for the local public health system so I'm classed as a core worker - although I am working from home and was prior to the lockdown as a result of a broken collarbone - so I'm still on full pay. Mrs C works in the PPE supply chain so she is in full-time work too - although she has 7 staff who are all on furlough so she is in on her own.
Because we're otherwise on lockdown we're not spending any money at all, I got paid over a week ago and aside from bills I think I've spend about £20 - mostly on a stock of eccles cakes and coffee for the house.
The down side for us is that we were supposed to be away for three weeks in Singapore and Malaysia starting from Thursday gone and we book most of our holiday stuff direct and although we have travel insurance we stand to lose close to £1000 as a couple of the providers are not responding to requests for cancellation confirmations and the insurance company won't refund us until we get them. Have to see how it goes this week.
Because we're otherwise on lockdown we're not spending any money at all, I got paid over a week ago and aside from bills I think I've spend about £20 - mostly on a stock of eccles cakes and coffee for the house.
The down side for us is that we were supposed to be away for three weeks in Singapore and Malaysia starting from Thursday gone and we book most of our holiday stuff direct and although we have travel insurance we stand to lose close to £1000 as a couple of the providers are not responding to requests for cancellation confirmations and the insurance company won't refund us until we get them. Have to see how it goes this week.