The old duffers who like to moan, complain, and generally grumble about the weather thread.

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Leg End Member
Not that grateful! But thank you! ;)

Is it me,or are the pundits right, winter is getting milder and wetter? I can recall in my youff snowdrifts half way up the ground floor windows, but now all we seem to get is cold rain, and lots of it.


Legendary Member
I'm just glad summer has ended, much prefer the milder temps of autumn & spring. Even winter doesn't bother me.
Same here. I'm a cold temperate climate man myself.


Hong Kong
Feeling distinctly autumnal this morn. A quick glance at the forecast shows that from tomorrow the overnight temperatures start to drop to the 4 or 5 Celsius level, which means there'll be frost I'm the microclimates. I reckon autumn will be short this year and winter will hit hard and early.

To be an old duffer that'll grumble about the weather, any chance of sending some of that cold weather over here? It's been unusually hot (100f today :eek:) and no rain for a few weeks.
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Legendary Member
Been out to the summer house, see how it fared after the torrential rain at the weekend. All is good, but it's a balmy 24°C out there, and an unexciting 19 in the house, so guess where I'm spending the afternoon?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
WTF!? I was very careful to start this thread in the cafe, I press save and it wakes up in the Sportive section, a forum that I've never even visited before! It would apologise but I genuinely don't believe it's me this time.

If a mod would like to do the necessary I'd be very grateful.

As it is a thread for old moaners it could well be turned Into a sport. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Thunder now forecast for tomoz.


The Glue that binds us together.
I'm off to Spain with my bike soon, to escape from the drizzle, and the moany old blokes.. so I don't care. :bicycle:

You can hex me a spiteful hurricane as I cross the Bay of Biscay, if you like tho..

That should cheer up a few on here :rolleyes:

The rain has however been good for bulking up the leeks, which should bring temporary happiness to our Welsh colleagues.
We have just booked another week in Gerona. Only got to wait three weeks. Am so looking forward to it.


Is it me,or are the pundits right, winter is getting milder and wetter? I can recall in my youff snowdrifts half way up the ground floor windows, but now all we seem to get is cold rain, and lots of it.

Funny, my impression is the exact opposite - when I were nowt burra lad we hardly ever got any decent snow; many winters none at all. Nowadays we seem to get at least one decent fall (I love snow!), and every three or four years it goes all Moscow, which it never did back in the day.
I'm just glad summer has ended, much prefer the milder temps of autumn & spring. Even winter doesn't bother me.
Yer miserable bugger. Summer is just the best (and remember, I love snow).
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