hee hee ... my friend in school, who had access to a massive stash of mags for some reason (anyone remember Razzle?) said that you should alternate hands otherwise your doo dah would end up bent.
I had one of these about 20 years ago. I went to meet a pal before going out on the piss and he had one too. For some reason I decided to try and press it down using my head (kids eh!) I was pushing down hard, using my forehead to press it into the ground and it slipped. It took the skin right from the top of my nose to my hairline. I still went out and got smashed but I looked like a right tit and kept on having to explain it tp everyone.
Bullworker update: My wife has bought the purple coloured Ladies X5 Bullworker. They feel about 50% resistance of the Male one. Apparently the Original Bullworker is now British made and it's good quality. Initial results - feeling of exhilaration and extra power in arms and shoulders especially. New site online: www.bullworker.com
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