lukesdad said:
Simply Debian, because you have posted this in beginners. Had you posted it in racing or offroad and mountainbiking (where it should have been in my opinion) I probably wouldn t have even posted.
Their personal safety should be their first concern. Narrow roads on hills are particularly hazardous for new cyclists struggling to climb them, zig zagging, clipless moments etc. Giving way as I understand the term means to allow some one to pass safely. As a cyclist it should be a matter of course to do this when riding uphill, anything else is madness for reasons Ive allready stated. To imply to novices any other course of action IMO is irresponsible.
Your OP is a perfect example. From a distance you observed someone descending at speed on a loose surface. ( Now Im not making a judgement on what she was doing,Right or wrong that is what she was doing.) I assume you XC fairly regularly so you know the mindset when they descend. Did it not occur to you to give her as wide a berth as possible give way to preserve your own personal safety?
Certainly no ambiguity from the point of view of going downhill, but what about from the point of view of the one going up. Not a lot of advice there..... What would yours be?.....Oh! Silly me. As in your OP I expect, carry on regardless untill its almost to late then give way. You can only control your own actions, not other peoples.
Two things Ive learnt in my years of cycling; Always expect the unexpected,and if you put yourself in danger expect to get hurt.
I have no argument with your last point.
But I do have issues with the rest of the post:
This incident is being blown a little out of proportion first of all. The road is basically that - a road, albeit a loose surfaced country lane and a Restricted Byway. It's about nine feet wide so not exactly short of space. It's not exactly a twisty, root-ridden singletrack!
Pedestrian was walking on her right which is correct according to the HC.
I was on my left, also correct.
So the pedestrian and me were on the same side of the road. The other cyclist I couldn't initially tell what side of the road she was on as the lane bends to the right at this point as well as going uphill. So all I saw was a head and upper body descending quickly, but not maniacly so.
Anyway, whatever the situation I was close in to the left and the descending cyclist was going to have to move out to my right anyway - unless she wanted to mow down the pedestrian - so I felt totally justified in staying exactly where I was.
So the other cyclist moves over to my right, overtakes the pedestrian and then cuts back into a head on position with me...! By this time there is only a matter of yards between us.
Please tell me lukesdad, what should I have done differently - apart from mind-read or use the force, that is?