Pay per mile, and make it quite a weighty fee. That'll stop people driving their kids 400 metres to school.
I like the idea of banning the sale of cars I've XYZ CD, or over a certain weight, or which don't do a genuine set MPG. If individuals won t do it voluntarily the Government should make them.
As cyclists most of us are at least half way there in terms of our outlook, but the rest of society is doomed. After all, what hope is there when one page of The Guardian is publishing dark warnings about a possible runaway greenhouse effect, and several pages on they publish their rave review of a horrifically polluting V8 Lexus?
Society, companies, and especially individuals, simply need to stop moaning and putting their lazy self interest first. A friend of mine I worked with in the States recently told me that he will give up his gazillion litre 3 tonne pickup truck when all the polluters in India and China sort out their act. With that attitude we are, quite literally, doomed.