I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 102 km to be precise.

I nearly didn't, several times.
It was today or never as I'm away next weekend.
Tomorrow's rides are cancelled because of the heavy rain /sleet and freezing forecast. Up until last night, today was going to be cold but dry... .Then the forecast had changed to light rain or sleet showers.
I ended up going out in the cold rain for a short ride thinking that I could try and get a metric century in next month but not get a star. Anyway, I kept going, turning back after 23 miles but kept adding loops depending on how I was feeling at the time, which was going from warm enough to cold fingers to cold body to warm enough to cold feet and generally soggy. I couldn't have done it without all the extra layers, decent jacket, winter boots, toe warmers stuck to my socks and the amazing Aldi waterproof overshoes. Very glad that I'd saved my spare gloves for after the coffee stop by which time the other ones were drenched.
When I set off again the cold rain had turned to sleet so all plans for extra loops and going home the scenic way were scrapped and I took the most direct route home. 9 miles later (at 45 miles) going through Culcheth, I was warm enough to take a left instead of a right turn, anticipating that I would only need to add another 4 miles at the end. Which I did but my legs really struggled because I had to go up hill for a bit so I could end wondrously on a mostly free wheel home.
Sorry that was a bit waffley. Last year, I didn't do more than 45 miles last January or February, so I am actually a bit worried about this February already even though I'm now hooked into this challenge.
Also, I normally work in miles and my report follows my train of thoughts. Sorry.