Couldn't get my legs going today. That was slow even by my slow slow standards, just over 7 hours. It was chilly and I had only taken fingerless gloves

, so every time I sped up, my fingers froze. It was a hilly route (1300m climb) but not especially so for the N Downs.
I road tested
this recipe (from the website of the company that
@victor was discussing in
this thread) They are ace. My wife happened to have just been cleaning a pumpkin when I made mine, so I topped it with the waste pumpkin seeds. But as good as it was, it didn't work miracles, and I sluggishly trundled my way round.
I even wimped out of my usual Edenbridge/Toys Hill route, preferring the easier diversion past Churchill's house at Chartwell. I saw the curtains twitch and a cigar smoking figure shook his head in disappointment at my cowardice.