The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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Kilometre nibbler
Well, I've started logging. A hilly ride (1300 or 1500m of climb depending which gadget you believe) done very slo-o-wly on my heavier bike as the posh one is broken. Hilly enough for me.

PS I upload my rides to ridwithgps, so if anyone is seriously interested in seeing them, I can't imagine why but anyway, PM me and we can arrange "friend" status on RWGPS.
I think it is fair to say that I am probably out of this now... Which is a huge shame this late in the year but given in can't cycle 100m right now and struggle to walk that far, I shall gracefully retire from the challenge before being disqualified...



Kilometre nibbler
I think it is fair to say that I am probably out of this now... Which is a huge shame this late in the year but given in can't cycle 100m right now and struggle to walk that far, I shall gracefully retire from the challenge before being disqualified...

Really sorry to read about your continuing problems. best wishes is all I can offer.

Todays ride was supposed to be the same as last week's, but I made a navigational error, so ended up with a ride marginally easier, but still with my "favourite" hills, Toys Hill and Bower Lane out of Eynsford plus Clarks lane and numerous lesser ones. Total overall speed dropped under 10mph last week (that's including stops) which was a bit poor, but I got it the right side of 10mph this time. Just.


Another 100k to add to the list, today's more eventful than normal - lovely sunny day but as we headed North it got colder, hit a patch of black ice and down I go (along with 3 others) like a sack 'o spuds. Some cracking injuries:
10653300_10152863985197970_5366103182936786798_n.jpg 10420227_10152863984947970_8010190168986442005_n.jpg 10438124_10152863985077970_638670254198566031_n.jpg

Think I might be a bit sore tomorrow!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Another 100k to add to the list, today's more eventful than normal - lovely sunny day but as we headed North it got colder, hit a patch of black ice and down I go (along with 3 others) like a sack 'o spuds. Some cracking injuries:
View attachment 62422 View attachment 62423 View attachment 62424

Think I might be a bit sore tomorrow!
Looks like it's probably quite sore now.:B) Well done setting a good pace despite that and I hope you heal swiftly.:thumbsup:

(Makes note to take care in the forecast frost tomorrow)


Ouch. :cry: is that a knee?

The "lump" is actually my hip not my knee - that's how swollen it is!
Elbow and hip - went down on my left and slid. What really peed me off was damaging all the new winter club kit I've waited 6 months to receive! Bike's fine, I even paused my garmin!!
Good to see you were with enough to have your priorities correct...

Double ouch on the hip. I was thinking of making a club for the sick and injured cyclists... Did you want to see if you qualified for it? :whistle:
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Kilometre nibbler
@Fubar Ouch indeed. How far into your ride were you when you went down? Those are X rated pictures.

It's not cold enough down here even for extra layers yet, let alone black ice. Although we do have plenty of "leaf slicks" and I had to christen my brand new BB and completely soak both feet in a flood.


@Fubar Ouch indeed. How far into your ride were you when you went down? Those are X rated pictures.

It's not cold enough down here even for extra layers yet, let alone black ice. Although we do have plenty of "leaf slicks" and I had to christen my brand new BB and completely soak both feet in a flood.

We were about as far away from home as it gets! Bike was fine though and in a group so plenty of support and a cafe stop about 20 minutes away. There had been signs of it getting colder but the black ice was a complete shock - highland Perthshire! Just a bit of road that had no sun, the joys of Living in Scotland!


Legendary Member
- lovely sunny day but as we headed North it got colder, hit a patch of black ice and down I go (along with 3 others) like a sack 'o spuds. Some cracking injuries:!
AAArgh! Hope you managed to get a good nights sleep and are not tooo sore this morning. There was a goodly frost here when I looked out this(edit that was Sunday) morning, a frozen puddle on my neighbours roof, and I'm at sea level.
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