HMMM... The horrid stormy weather hasn't helped but I can't deny that there were still several days when I could have squeezed a 100 km ride in.
I was going to go out on Thursday, when the weather here was still windy but was at least sunny and dry. That ride was scuppered by insomnia - I didn't get to sleep until gone 05:00 and then woke up several times before my alarm went off at 08:00. I had a blood test at 09:00 and then had to do some shopping. My plan was to rush home, get my cycling kit on and go back out on the bike. In reality, I felt like I had been hit over the head with a baseball bat so I went back to bed for a few hours but I still felt very groggy when I reemerged in the afternoon. I decided to check the forecast for Friday and Saturday - yesterday was foul, but today was looking ok so I planned to take advantage of 'leap day' and get my ride in at the last opportunity.
Except that I haven't... Bloody insomnia again! Tossing, turning, checking the clock until gone 05:00. I finally slipped off, but ended up being woken up every few minutes after that by the noise of the wind outside. More 'baseball bat head' this morning...
I have a guest arriving early evening so I didn't have enough time left to do my ride once I finally felt clear-headed enough to consider it.
And so... I am out of the challenge for this year!
TBH - I was feeling fed up earlier but now I feel relieved. I need to get my life in order and the 100 km challenge was one thing too many for me this year. I'll still get my monthly '50s' in and desperately want to complete the Lunacy challenge this time. I have 4 weeks to get ready for my first outing for that, my 100 mile ride from Garforth on 28th March. I will probably do a 100 km ride before then but can concentrate on building some fitness back up, and sorting my sleep pattern out.
I'm going to start getting up earlier, no matter how tired I feel. It might take a couple of weeks of feeling knackered every day but eventually I should settle into a more sensible regime.
Anyway - those of you still in, enjoy the rest of the MCAMC this year. Hopefully, I will rejoin you for next year's challenge.
If you would like to join me on any of my 100 mile rides this year, you'd be welcome to. I think about 10 of them will be forum rides, details of which will be posted 2-4 weeks in advance.