Bad luck, get well soon. I try to keep off those cycle paths, I think they're potentially very dangerous, too many inexperienced cyclists using them badly.
I'm very careful and use the Festival Way a lot presuming there is a child on a scooter or dog on extending lead around the corner, I think it was a 50/50 thing, the other guy uploaded his ride too, he rides similar distances to me. I was daydreaming about lunch and there was nobody about, half term over etc not commuting time, not dark (would have seen lights!). He was dressed totally in black so I hadn't caught a glimpse of him coming towards me, and i was probably going a touch fast but nowhere near as fast as many. It wasn't a head on crash, I may have been towards the centre but it all happened so fast, I was going faster and he was bigger than me so I did the bouncing.
Hoping I'll be OK for Wells and Mells audax weekend after next, if the weather is not icy. One of those things and I'm very very lucky no broken ribs, collar bone or even worse pelvis. I happened to be close to my husband's office, I managed to get there after deciding a mile up through the village to the GP surgery was a bit hopeful, there was a lot of blood and A&E were fabulous, took the whole afternoon to sort me out, only waited about 90 minutes, rest was x rays, head injury/sight assessments, swabbing me down and a very experienced EP stitched me up, she said she got lots of practice on Saturday nights. I can open my eye now and the puffy aubergine look is subsiding