The men that made us fat.

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Legendary Member
My younger brother has been living in the USA for about ten years now and he's 2" taller than me but weighs about 20 stone, it's not just the size of his belly but his overall massiveness, his shoulders are bulky and his chest is huge; I really believe there are growth hormones in the food there as well.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
If my memory of my sky+ planner is correct, Saturday night
Maybe as a repeat, but it is on 21:00 - 22:00 on BBC2 tonight.


Internet Marketing bod
My younger brother has been living in the USA for about ten years now and he's 2" taller than me but weighs about 20 stone, it's not just the size of his belly but his overall massiveness, his shoulders are bulky and his chest is huge; I really believe there are growth hormones in the food there as well.

A British friend told me that American men are MEN, whereas English men are just boys by comparison, and I can see where he's coming from.
FWIW I'm currently reading THIS following a recommendation of it's principles on here.

I'm enjoying it, and despite years of bad eating I'm finding it very easy to stick with. I'm getting no hunger pangs and no desire to snack on rubbish either :thumbsup:


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
Gotta love cycling. I'm Nepalese on that scale. :smile:

I saw that earlier. I'm Ethiopian, apparently :unsure:


You know I'm a bit more hopeful than that. A little bit of healthy living advice at school, reinforced by us, goes a long way. I'm always impressed by how careful my children are about what they put in their mouths. What with a cycling boom, and increasing levels of exercise, I think the message is beginning to get through. Its still going to be a long hard slog though.


World's Greatest Spy
As for the series I thought it was very good. Jacques Peretti says every sentence in the same intonation so it's sometimes hard to know what the important points are. But what I took from it most was how the perception of so many foods is driven by marketing and image rather than actual facts.

It's made me think twice about presuming something with an organic, low fat or other "healthy" sounding label is really all it's cracked up to be.

As for America, I didn't find the fast food to be especially cheap when compared directly with ours. Nor the portions especially larger (drinks excepted), but I don't drink full-fat drinks anyway. I think the thing is, they just have much more choice in everything.

In Britiain our choices are a little more neutered, especially outside London.


Last time I went to the US on business I went to a Burger Chain (5 Guys in San Jose) and had a modest burger and fries, but I did spec up the most calorific meal (they displayed the calories on the menu board for each choice), and the biggest burger, extra fries and large full fat coke came to 2950 calories, FOR ONE MEAL. Man that's bad....

Although saying that....this has got to be the worst I've ever seen:

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