The Latest Top Gear

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Top Gear arssery would be easier to accept if there were a sensible program on cars that filled in all the blanks that most car drivers seem to have on driving and cars. 5th Gear tried very hard and did some pioneering work eg on rear end collisions of people carriers with rear facing seats. ( not pretty). With no sensible advice, many people take their driving tone from TG.
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Chris S

Legendary Member
Last of the Summer Wine used to be on at the same time. I don't think it's a coincidence.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Last of the Summer Wine used to be on at the same time. I don't think it's a coincidence.
Oooh, there's a thing.
The 'buddy formula' of Foggy, Compo and Clegg mucking about - usually in some death-defying wheeled bathtub on a steep slope - that's pretty close to the Clarkson/Hammond/May iteration of Top Gear.


I used to enjoy it years ago when they actually tested and reviewed cars, but just seems to be grown men larking around now.
Fact is, there proved to be a very limited audience for a programme that actually tested and reviewed cars. By transforming it into a programme about grown men larking about, the BBC turned a hobbyists' backwater into a massive mainstream global brand and moneyspinner.

The departure of the three amigos left them desperate for a new trio of such 'grown men' ('kidults'?) to re-access those global revenue streams. Don't know whether they've quite managed that yet, but they do seem to be heading in the right direction, with a trio who seem genuinely to enjoy each others' company, and have just enough interest in cars to sustain the programme's nominal rationale. Ratings last night of 4.3 million, up 1.2 million week on week, look promising.

Personally, as one who loved the Clarkson etc original, when they were in their heyday, I have to say that they were well past their sell-by by the time petulant Mr Gammon twatted the help. And the attempted relaunches with Chris Evans and that American were dire. But I'm quite enjoying the new version. Actually made me laugh several times last night, which not many programmes do.

I agree they need to ease up on the crashing into each other - you can have too much of a good thing - and just generally have some better ideas for segments. I suspect the departure of Clarkson might have something to do with that. Bright feller, whatever else. But it's a start, and it's fun. Childish, silly, but fun. I'll settle for that, and so, it seems, will a lot of other people.

Deleted member 23692

Can't abide that unfunny shouty talentless McGuiness nobber. How he's become the main presenter is anyone's guess.

Chris Harris is good, but was far far better on his tod with his Youtube Channel. He's the only reason I might watch it, but only on iPlayer so I can skip though any scene containing McGuiness. It almost makes it watchable...



Grand Old Lady
They're essentially actors and the cars are the props. If you like that kind of acting, you'll enjoy it no doubt, but if you don't, its not going to grow on you. It isn't for me... I was always a Tiff Needell fan and he can actually drive and his positivity and enthusiasm was and is infectious.


Legendary Member
Sweepea is right. People think Top Gear is a motoring programme. It isn't, and hasn't been so for 2 decades. It's an entertainment show with a motoring theme.

Personally, motoring programmes don't interest me. If I want to know what the Ford Testes STD drives like I'll go and test drive one, and if i like it I'll buy one. However, cars as such don't hold great interest for me so watching a less qualified driver than myself drive a car and talk bollards about the experience is of little interest.


Cant abide it, anymore than I could abide Evan's and the underwhelming LeBlanc.
Clarkson and team had something, I really enjoyed it but even that had run its course.
Seems they're trying to milk an already empty cow with a substandard annoying line up.
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