Fuelled with Jelly Babies
- Location
- South Wales
....And I did. Winds today supposed to be the lightest of the week, and as it was westerly I planned out a route heading into it for the first half. Still quite blustery and hard work at times but fairly nippy non the less. Glad to get it done and dusted, the usual SMRbtH from Brighton almost certainly won't be happening (fifty miles into a 15mph wind? I think not...).
Nice one Stu, another one in the bag.
I am hoping the wind isnt too fresh on Saturday as the second half of Making Hay audax is basically heading into the expected SWly wind.
Not sure what thje best tactic is, Ive been trying on kit today to find my least flappy jersey that will still actually zip up.
Other than that I think I will just try and get a bit of time in hand early on then dont waste time at controls.
I have the added incentive of a retirement party I hope to get to saturday evening. Its possible i may be the only one sat down to dinner in a sweaty audax cymru jersey .