I thought maybe I ought to check in. It's been a while. Well done to everyone who's completed in this godforsaken year.
I've recently been put on a heavy dose of diazepam which on the face of it rules out anything with machinery, including bikes, for the time being. I'm enjoying a lucid phase at the moment and the thought that cycling as I have always known it is something I can experience again is a warm one. Actually I generally prefer the cold.
Yesterday the visiting doctor noted the bike in the hallway and asked if it was mine - as if there would have been any doubt. He said that despite everything I still ought to be walking and cycling with suitable safeguards. I thought of suggesting that meant I should keep things short - no more than 100 miles perhaps? With limited time, that might have deflected the conversation away from more important matters.
At the moment the last week looks like the only one I can hope to aspire to for ride number twelve and a fifth star. A good thing that I'm even talking about it maybe.