Ha, ha. @Trickedem and I passed that way today too. In fact I suspect Tim has a very similar photo. Good luck with the HOTA.
Ha, ha. @Trickedem and I passed that way today too. In fact I suspect Tim has a very similar photo. Good luck with the HOTA.
650B wheels?
Yes. This is a Pinnacle Pyrolite. The tyres just roll over pot holes.650B wheels?
I bet!Yes. This is a Pinnacle Pyrolite. The tyres just roll over pot holes.
Yes. This is a Pinnacle Pyrolite. The tyres just roll over pot holes.
Son of the aboveCo-designed by a bloke called Decker:
Well spotted @Pale RiderSon of the above
Similar boat for me, having to learn to walk again a few times between 2013 -2015 until I got the right pills. My only other prescription is exercise to counter muscle loss in the event of further 'episodes', in my case cycling since it's my legs that are directly affected with circa 50-70% muscle loss dependant on severity. My motivation to keep cycling has been the monthly challenges, and the Metric Half in 2016 was tough, easier in 2017. But then the Metric Century was tough, and now the Imperial? Well I may not make it, but I have at least done one ride of 101 miles now, a distant pipedream a few years ago..I think I've just about recovered from Wednesday's torture. The post-ride weariness is still there but I feel coherent again.
I'm sure I've told the story of how during 2015 I was steadily learning to enjoy cycling again, but 100 miles in a day seemed an impossible dream. Around August my doctor put me on metformin; once I'd become accustomed to it I suddenly found I could ride 100+ miles again, and it seemed far easier than I remembered it. From what I read, metformin may have some performance enhancing properties, but is likely to have negatives as well. It seems it just worked for me.
Was a bit driech out there- bad enough on the Honda. Chapeau! Next weekend for me, hopefully (wind looking rather brutal tomorrow).Right. February's qualifying ride all done and dusted. A blast down to Ashford for some Scrambles Eggs on Toast
It was minus 2° and sunny blue skies when I left home. It was nice to leave for a ride in daylight and for that matter, also arrive home in the daylight. A first for 2018
So it was a tad chilly out and there was a fair bit of ice on the country lanes. But the roads were nice and dry which meant none of that mucky stuff all over me and the bike. 54 miles in and I got to Ashford, stuffed my face and turned back for home... yeah.. but now it was raining and windy, though the temperatures has risen to a balmy 6°
It didn't stop raining the whole of the way home. So 3 and a half hours of cold rain and drizzle, of which turned the roads all mucky, of which turned rider and bike all mucky. But hey... it was jolly good fun to be out the the bike.. I think..
Anyway, scores on the doors.
A tad over 101 miles for the day. Century #3 for the year, #231 over all.
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The International Train Station. Nice and big place, never busy. Food is not the best but good enough and not expensive. Decent bogs too.Where is your preferred eating place in Ashford?