The Imperial Century A Month Challenge Chatzone

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Putrid Donut
July done yesterday. A trip to the seaside in blistering heat - 121.35 miles, though again Strava wants to shave off a few tenths. I can't ever remember feeling more tired so crashed out early, hence I'm up again at this silly hour. Some days make me think I may never ride a bike again, but I expect I'll get over it.

I reached the halfway point this year with at least two qualifying rides each month, so I'll be trying to maintain that.


July done, Surrey Hill, Box Leith and Whitedown, got up them all but geeeeeessssus that Whitedown is a beast. Had a nap in prep for a night out and woke up at 530am this morning. Nice weather though


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
August's done ,1st of the month sun shining why wouldn't you ? .Solo ride 102 miles out to the vale of Belvoir and return stopped at Dove Cottage cafe which nice not been to for months .

Well done, nice and early.
Can you update your post with your July ride also.


Putrid Donut
Not an ideal forecast - heavy showers, possible hail and thunder, fairly windy. But there were plenty of reasons for getting it done today.

Here's the map:


A total of 126.65 miles, largely avoiding serious hills but up and down throughout. And some very heavy rain. I'd almost forgotten what it's like - that wonderful feeling of cleanliness as the sun comes out and everything dries. But I do have a dirty bike to deal with.

I found some excellent roads I'd never seen before, notably early on when skirting around the Malverns near Ledbury, and between Eardisland and Pembridge in the top left corner. At the same time, two of my favourite roads near home are about to be loose chippingsed. They seemed fine as they are to me - grrrr.


Legendary Member
August done, another double metric. After doing the last few months with @13 rider and @tallliman this solo ride was hard work.


Silencing his legs regularly
August done. Went up to Hurstbourne Tarrant for lunch at the rather lovely Tea Cosy cafe. Bonus of annoying a twit in a BMW 3 series Grand Turismo (definitely not a GT car, and it looks even worse in white like this pillock's) who developed an extremely bad case of horn Tourette's on a gravel-strewn stretch- think he beeped for a full minute at one point. The passing places looked like an accident waiting to happen, so I opted to keep moving- I'd have gone down if I pulled over too quickly or braked hard. Did I maintain zen calm in the face of such intimidation? Did I administer instant karma? Or did I just think GFY? All of the above :smile:
I had a few TT's at the start of the month so I delayed it until today. Had a bit of an early start to do a training ride with a couple of mates lasted their first half hour session at 23mph (The leaders Zone 3) but blew up on the second 30 minutes and dropped to my Zone 3. OK it was into a head wind but the net result was 18.1mph. Regrouped at the cafe for a social ride of about 40 miles then did a solo of 32miles to top it up to a ton. Had a wee bit of GPS failure after the cafe but thankfully it came back but the net result RWGPS says it was 17.7mph, GC 17.4mph and Strava 17.3mph. I'm going with the latter two as it was a slog at times in the last 30miles :laugh:

Lol, I'm glad I went out early and got back in time to see the Vuelta live, my parents phoned right in the middle of the final sprint highlights :laugh:
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