The habit of looking down

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Anyone else find they keep doing this? Basically I keep looking slightly to the ground whilst cycling. I seem to do it when the ride gets really hard. I've been trying hard to stop doing it but am finding it difficult. It seems to be a response to great physical effort.

There have also been times when I feel like I've been daydreaming and start to wonder just how much attention I was paying to th road in the last 2 mins etc. Almost like I go into auto pilot whilst thinking about something else.

I am a little concerned that I might miss a red light at this rate, or hit a parked car. Although nothing has happened yet.


Über Member
Sheesh! Highway hypnosis! I know a fella who did that, and ran completely off the road and into a ditch. Are you listening to your I-pod, or something? What is distracting your mind from the joy of the ride?


Pros do it as well, watch time trials, towards the end...
It's to do with neck muscles I think...
Stilll, good idea to look up now and then :biggrin: :biggrin:


I don't think it would make you ride into a ditch but rather hit into or miss things that are in front of you like parked cars and red lights.

It scares me that I even have to remind myself to look up. I think slowly I will do it less.

Luckily it tends to mainly happen on hills when the physical strain is greatest and luckily the speed you're going is slower.


I do that too. I also have a bad habit of totally zoning out while stopped at traffic lights. It happens mostly during longer hard rides, but I'll pull up to the red light, unclip and then end up just staring into space like a proper eejit until the following car wakes me from my stupor when it toots cause the light's turned green.


Über Member
kyuss said:
I do that too. I also have a bad habit of totally zoning out while stopped at traffic lights. It happens mostly during longer hard rides, but I'll pull up to the red light, unclip and then end up just staring into space like a proper eejit until the following car wakes me from my stupor when it toots cause the light's turned green.

ha ha, i've done that!! :angry::blush:


Legendary Member
It's fairly normal, the looking down thing.

As for the autopilot thing, that's fairly normal too, and i don't think it's so dangerous either, I do it the whole time and have never had a problem, have done it loads when driving too, especially on motorways I drive on regularly


Senior hunter
Several issues here.

Perhaps you need to do some upper body strengthening and core work.

You didn't mention your bike setup -- drop bars, flat? Are your bars too low?

The other issue is harder to quantify. We are surprisingly capable of multi-tasking. However, on very long rides, I find it helpful to nag myself to stay alert. When I know I'm getting tired I keep up constant demands to myself to "stay focussed, stay alert!"


I don't think the looking down thing need be much of a problem - with the raods round here, it's pretty much a necessity - but the zoning out business is different. I think everyone does it to a degree, but you're right to be concerned. Can't think of any neat solution - at least you're aware of it, which is a start.


Sunny Brum!
I do the same, on my way to work yesterday I started dong that, I looked up and saw another guy coming towards me, did make my jump a little but also reminded me to keep my head up!


+1 for both things being "normal" - although it depends on the degree. I think the rule is if you're surprised by something you're not paying enough attention.

I quit often 'daydream' a bit as I'm going along and completely forget where I am and which way I'm going next.


I tend to do this as well. I don't find it a problem and given the terrible state of the roads where I live, it makes it easier to avoid eight inch deep potholes.


Senior Member
I must totally zone out on the bike anyway, the number of people that profess to seeing me. That i dont doubt, but im buggered if i can remember seeing any of them


New Member
I bought an ipod recently- and i couldn't help thinking at the time this is a bad idea. but its weird it seems to concentrate the mind i certainly look behind more than i used to, Ive got a habit of looking down to see what gear I'm in and when i look up I'm riding in the middle of the road. -don't do that as much now . i thought the music might make the mind wonder, seems to be the opposite on the bike .. just don't play the track that reminds you of the bitch!!!
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