The Grumpiest Audaxer?

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Über Member
West Sussex
Noodley said:
Maybe someone needs to organise an audax which only stops at cafes frequented by railway enthusiasts....:rofl:

My club often rides out to Isfield Railway on a Sunday( ) where we stop for the most amazing bread pudding in the land.

Cyclists and rail enthusiasts mingling and swapping looks of disapproval and suspicion. Like us they must think, 'Well they look weird but they're not doing any damage I suppose - just don't talk to me.'


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Arch said:
My late boyfriend was involved with a steam restoration project, and worked a few times as a steward on steam specials. On one, he came across a guy who was sticking a bit of paper out of the window. Asked why, he said he collected smuts from each loco he travelled behind, and kept them in an album....

No way!!

And I thought I was bad collecting the various bits of ephemera!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Greenbank said:
I've always been utterly knackered on the Sunday morning going back though, and no intention of doing anything other than dribbling on myself on the way back to London.

Actually, you'd be in good company during a Diesel Gala when the likes of a Western, Deltic, or some thrashing clag monster like 37906 hoves into view.


Because the railway has had to install a full drainage system for every available point on the platform and in the yard to cater for all of the dribbling frothing veg out there!

In short, if you dribble at the sight of one of the aforementioned locos, then you'll be in good company!!

And this coming from a railway enthusiast and former T****spotter.



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Noodley said:
The info controls should be set so that they cannot be answered unless there is some dialogue between the audaxeer and the trainspotteer....cue uncomfortable mumbling and shuffling around cafes - and lots of DNFers :evil:


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Noodley said:
The info controls should be set so that they cannot be answered unless there is some dialogue between the audaxeer and the trainspotteer....cue uncomfortable mumbling and shuffling around cafes - and lots of DNFers :evil:

Since I used to be a trainspotter, does this mean I could have this conversation with myself and therefore save a LOT of time and effort??


Vice Admiral
I would like to travel on this railway. :biggrin:

Or for those who wish to stay on the road. :biggrin: (first two minutes)

Or negociate a roundabout. Complete with squealling flanges. ;)


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I have been on this one in Greece, before they upgraded the rolling stock.
It's a 750 mm gauge (!!) with an average slope of 3.2% (!!!) and a steepest slope of 17.5% (!!!!)

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Ah yes, the good old Rhb. I first came across that line in 1999 when I stayed at Bergun.

For the bikers amongst you (and I'm guessing there are perhaps one or two here), you can hire a Trottinette (A scotter admittedly) at Bergun, take it up the hill on the train to Preda, and then freewheel down the hill, through Bergun and on to Fillisur, where you can get the train back up the hill again!
Several miles freewheeling down a main road on a Scooter?? Only in Switzerland!!

Great fun, and in the winter, they close the road and you can sledge down instead!!

....Oh yes, and the railway line snakes up the hill, doubling back on itself several times on the way to Preda, but hey, TROTTINETTES!! :ohmy:

As for the line to Tirano, you forgot the Brusio Viadukt!!

You might have heard of the likes of the Spiral Tunnels on the St Gotthard?? well, this is a spiral WITHOUT the tunnel!!:


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Also about Bergun, there is a Krokodile Lok stuffed and mounted just outside the station, number 427 I think it is, AND, there is, or at least there was, a HUGE HO model railway on display in Bergun that depicted the entire line from there up to Preda!! (I kid you not).

It's ENORMOUS, but it doubles back on itself a lot to save space.
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