The Great things about having children....

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Formerly known as djtheglove
I often enjoy the little things that I do because one of my three boys want to do it!;)

I also do things because I think it's going to be a good experiance for them!

The conclusion is that they have enriched my life in a surprising way and in away that I did not expect before I had them.

I can't do alot of things that I used to do, like spend hours in the pub or stay in bed for hours in the morning, but it's a small price to pay and any way I did all that before I had them, so no problem.:laugh:

We should all be celebrating our children, they have imagination, energy and excitement that is not achievable in adulthood.:tongue:


Legendary Member
And the very best thing is when they finally leave you alone and in peace!

Actually, my wife has a theory about obnoxious teenagers and it's that they are so magnificent and delightful when they are babies and young children that you'd never want them to leave so the crap you have to put up with when they get beyond the "Kevin" years is to let both sides know it's time for them to leave the nest. Thanks and all that. it's been great, no, really but don't let the door bang your arse on the way out.


Formerly known as djtheglove
No, no,no this is not going to turn in to teenager bashing! That is too easy, small minded and frankly you all know it's unfair and not true!

So just good thing's about kids please, mine are great, I take them sailing, cycling, to watch rugby and even let the little one stay up to watch Merlin on a saturday night!

So what do you like doing with yours?


kids are great. You can use them to switch channels on the tv when you lose the remote. ! or send them down the shops when your fags run out .

Just kiddin honest.
I have never had kids so I have missed out on so much. Fortunately my skinnblister had a couple of girls, one of which is my god daughter.
When i see what dreadful lives some children suffer on some of the poorer housing estates where I work it breaks my heart. No wonder some of them grow up to be selfish, difficult, insensitive and violent . Poor kids have never experienced love and affection support and care . They have such low expectations and self esteem .


Cycling in the sun
I have to admit that its nice that we can watch things like Merlin/Dr Who together... with a 6 year range and 2 girl/1 boy split it can be difficult finding things they want to do together. Unfortunately the girls are discovering shopping and the youngest hates it...


New Member
The vast majority of teenagers I've had contact with are okay. I don't expect them to be perfect and the vast majority are not the mindless, moronic thugs the likes of The Daily Wail paints them to be. The ones I've met are all far too stressed about almost continual examinations at school to be loads of hassle to the public.


Senior Member
I love playing tennis with them, cycling watching them play football, sitting round the table for meals (especially when we have the horrid henry joke book out) playing board games, My favorite times though are my morning and bedtime cuddle when we are all chirpy and not spoilt by the day as inevitably happens. My proudest moments are the comments other people make then you know that whatever the issues we sometimes have at home they behave themselves when out. DS2 is feeling poorly today so we have just snuggled up on the sofa and watched a film.


Legendary Member
djtheglove said:
No, no,no this is not going to turn in to teenager bashing! That is too easy, small minded and frankly you all know it's unfair and not true!

It is not unfair and it is true. I loved mine to bits but couldn't wait until they'd left home as they were obnoxious, selfish, noisy and cost a lot (believe me) of money. These were decent, well-brought up kids as well who never gave us any trouble with the bizzies or did drugs (not the serious ones, anyway) or got into fights and that but the fact remains, you should enjoy them while they're little because there's a big price to pay for the enjoyment and pleasure they bring once the big bad hormones come rushing on to the scene.


Legendary Member
I missed watching my only daughter grow up:cry: because of a evil wicked bitch of my ex-wife something thing I will never forgive her for


Legendary Member
numbnuts said:
I missed watching my only daughter grow up:cry: because of a evil wicked bitch of my ex-wife something thing I will never forgive her for

Quite frankly, any parent who uses a child as a weapon deserves every evil under the sun to befall them. Absolute scum they are.


Senior Member
numbnuts said:
I missed watching my only daughter grow up:cry: because of a evil wicked bitch of my ex-wife something thing I will never forgive her for

I was the one that was wronged but the children are the absolute priority now. Even to the extent that I have extended an invite for christmas lunch to the .... who has my hubby (ex). Ex is definitely coming and probably his parents don't know about her yet but it is important for the boys to have mum and dad together at christmas and so we will do it. For me that is easier than trying to do christmas with 3 of us knowing someone is missing. Hope you still have contact with your daughter and whilst you can't replace lost years I hope at some stage you manage to re-kindle that relationship.


Formerly known as djtheglove
PaulB said:
It is not unfair and it is true. I loved mine to bits but couldn't wait until they'd left home as they were obnoxious, selfish, noisy and cost a lot (believe me) of money. These were decent, well-brought up kids as well who never gave us any trouble with the bizzies or did drugs (not the serious ones, anyway) or got into fights and that but the fact remains, you should enjoy them while they're little because there's a big price to pay for the enjoyment and pleasure they bring once the big bad hormones come rushing on to the scene.

That's it Paul, youv'e just answered your own grievance, it's because of the Hormones they are like that!

I remember I was horrible at that age too, teenagers have specific needs that no one but themselves can give them!

It's all to do with finding their own independance!

and it's not their fault and it is unfair to persecute them for it!


Formerly known as djtheglove
numbnuts said:
I missed watching my only daughter grow up:cry: because of a evil wicked bitch of my ex-wife something thing I will never forgive her for

I really feel for you over that, a lot of women use the kids as a weapon to get to the ex, my ex did that, just trying to control me through him!

I went to court and now he comes over every two weeks and during holidays, he has to integrate in to my new family, which he does and although all the fighting was very painful, I am now so glad I did it. it's now been ten years since his mother and I split up, she still hasn't forgiven me, but for me and my son I still think I made the right decision!.

doesn't help you much tho, sorry.


wafflycat said:
The vast majority of teenagers I've had contact with are okay. I don't expect them to be perfect and the vast majority are not the mindless, moronic thugs the likes of The Daily Wail paints them to be. The ones I've met are all far too stressed about almost continual examinations at school to be loads of hassle to the public.

glad to hear it waffly
however we were not referring to the sort of children who would be concerned with school examinations.These are more likely to be concerned with where their next meal is coming from.
If you had visited an average of 40 homes a day every single day for the past 6 months on run down Council estates and worked in Social Housing for over 25 years as I have you'd know the sort of children to which the DM and I are referring.;)................deprived kids....
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