The Great Cyclechat Jersey Relay - Discussion

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back and brave
Arch said:
I think the only stipulation is that TheDoctor wants to have a jersey to take up some hill in France in May.:biggrin:

Geneva wasn't it? Or thereabouts. That's around 450km from me.... but I fancy a ride!!


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
yello said:
Geneva wasn't it? Or thereabouts. That's around 450km from me.... but I fancy a ride!!

It was Mont Ventoux, actually. I'll be leaving on 2 May, and going up from Sault, all things being equal.


New Member
summerdays said:
I don't think we have set out a general route.... I think it will be fairly random ... but it would be nice to have it marked on a map (I heard that whisper). Could we have a possible route or would it quickly get out of date?

was just thinking, having one travel from lands end to john o groats transported only by cyclists (no post) would be an amusing challenge

almost like a relay


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I think it's going wherever the fancy takes it!


One of them is still sat on the desk at my office awaiting its maiden voyage.

I'm deep into managing the putting-back-in and contractors at our house at the moment so it'll be a few weeks before I can do anything with it.

I'm planning on taking a day off and combining the hand-over with my first 100 miler (weather permitting) - I'll make arrangements nearer the time for handing it over to someone.

I'm itching to get the relay started and kicking off the fun :biggrin:



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Any new on where the Jersey jersey has got to so far, has it left the island, are there any plans for it to do so, or has it been eaten by a cow??


The Jersey visits Switzerland and France

This morning it was raining, very windy, and cold. So I sat by the phone waiting (hoping?) for Keith (MCD) to cancel. But he is Scottish not Australian, so canceling never crossed his mind.

Keith was visiting nearby Chamonix, and we had made plans to meet and get together for a ride.

We had never met, and don't know each other - but let me say what a thoroughly decent guy he is. We had a load of fun.

After fixing his pedals on my spare road bike, we took the mandatory jersey photo and set-off up Le Saleve - the big mountain overlooking Geneva and the lake. Don't worry, I took the jersey off before sweating.

It can be very steep in parts, and as we got to know each other, I encouraged him to do most of the talking, while I pretended I was feeling no pain. It's a superb car free route. And though the Alps views were blocked by dark clouds, we were able to see Lake Annecy in the distance.

As it began to snow(!), we reached 1,350 metres (about 4500 feet), where the road was still closed due to snow.

Keith being an Alps rookie, borrowed my spare jacket for the cold descent.

A thoroughly enjoyable ride! Back at my house, over pizza, we sat around congratulating ourselves for getting out on a great route on such a dodgy day.

And the cycling gods were smiling on us as it is pouring this afternoon.

Anyone interested in more photos and maps of today's ride, I threw it on my blog:

PS - I signed the jersey but left it with Keith as he is returning to the UK in the next few days.

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