well that was erm.....quite an fun (interesting) weekend
A 3.5 hour journey oop north in the pouring rain and an insult...£2.70 to cross the Humber bridge
starts off with a beers/curry night on the Friday with Velo Club Beverley ,this was followed by a "Premier inn, premier all you can eat £7.50 breakfast" this was a BIG mistake

, I am sure you can work out why
Great to meet everyone(Especially the infamous Arch

Bleedin Rain ,starts raining the moment we leave Hull,stops when we get to Hornsea and then starts the moment we start riding back

(scones with jam/cream mmmmm
Yes,I can confirm that yours truly had 2 spills


) once in the Middle of Hornsea High Street at a road junction at 11am when its thronged with people

,driver at the lights asked me if I was alright,for which i took a bow

.the other (thank Fook) was only witnesed by Admin and his friend trev
I thoroughly recommend those co2 cannisters ,as Admin says 0-110 psi in just 1 second,but dont touch cartridge afterwards as you will burn your fingers,as i will testify

,oh i also manged to get a p******e after singing the praises of the conti GP 4000s only 3 minutes earlier
I spose you could say ,not a good day at the office
Onto the Sunday and to the complete opposite of the previous night,this time i hardly ate anything for dinner and nothing for Breakfast,not ideal when your faced with a 7.30 start and a lung busting 18 mile as fast as you can ride.the start took us out from Westwood Pasture in Beverley (by the racecourse),now this is an interesting place,as there are hundreds of cows,which are allowed to roam free and as i can testify ,they dont give a sh1t and if one should be crossing in front of you.......

(BTW 18miles 1hr 08min

) this was followed by a 10 minute break from which i devoured 1 .5 bottles of energy drink and 2 energy bars,then onto the club run

didnt do the 50 miles,think it was more like 32

,but with a nice pit stop

,if your considering joining a cycling club i couldnt recommend a more friendlier bunch of guys then VCB
after a shower and something to eat it was time to travel daaan saaarf and managed to shave 40 minutes off my time going home,arriving bang on 5pm ,oh well a PB....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i sit here after completing 115 miles in total in 24 hours in glorious countryside and think in 12 hours i will be driving my taxi on the Euston Rd

grrr !!!