Archie_tect said:[Q: Why did people give him such a hard time, if he could do this sort of thing in his own time?]
Archie_tect said:[Q: Why did people give him such a hard time, if he could do this sort of thing in his own time?]
Yellow Fang said:I went to a cafe in Marshfield, north of Bath, several years ago on my LEJOG. It had the best ice-cream I've ever tasted. Marshfield is a really pretty village too, built of sandstone I think. According to yell, it would appear to be called Sweetapples Catering.
livestrong10_02 said:
Will1985 said:Can I suggest that the first post becomes an index of the entries categorised by region or county?
North Yorkshire
Buffet2you, nr Wetherby
dodgy said:I think the best way is to keep them on a Google map, I've already started one but I'm not sure if anyone's realised that yet!