The Forthcoming Online Safety Act

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South Wales
FWIW, the linked forum owner sounds a bit glass half-empty to me.

And to me. Plus a bit alarmist.
The proposal also seems doomed to fail imo.
It isn't a proposal. It is the law. Most of it comes into force on January 1st 2025.

Remember GDPR? Millions spent, many thousands of man-hours expended but all undermined by WFH - and no-one seems bothered.

No, I'm not aware of any GDPR which has been undermined by WFH.

GDPR has fairly significant effects on the business I work for, and that is not the slightest bit affected by me working from home 3 days a week.
And to me. Plus a bit alarmist.

It isn't a proposal. It is the law. Most of it comes into force on January 1st 2025.

No, I'm not aware of any GDPR which has been undermined by WFH.

GDPR has fairly significant effects on the business I work for, and that is not the slightest bit affected by me working from home 3 days a week.

Yeah that's a new one on me too. I've got no company data at my home, it's all cloud stored.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
1 - Private messages will no longer be private; as the owner of the site, I'll have a duty to (at the very least) scan all of them for harassment/hate speech/etc.

2 - Politics & Economics will have to go, and probably all of the off-topic areas too, given the number of times people have claimed racism/sexism/etc - it only takes one of those to be reported to Ofcom by a disgruntled member, and I'm bankrupt for the rest of my life.

It looks like members of forums will start to ask the one they're private messaging for their email, or phone number so they can send text messages and give their's in return, so they can pass their message on in private, away from now non private scrutiny.

Freedom of speech under attack again it seems! Posters on forums can say what they think about me, including nasty comments, as long as they accept my reply without complaint. I won't claim racism/sexism/etc to the forum mods, or even higher, to the authorities, I'll just give it straight back to them! 🧐
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It looks like members of forums will ask the one they're private messaging for their email or phone number, and give their's in return, so they can pass their message on in private, away from now non private scrutiny.

Freedom of speech under attack again it seems! Posters on forums can say what they think about me, including nasty comments, as long as they accept my reply without complaint. I won't claim racism/sexism/etc to the forum mods, or even higher, to the authorities, I'll just give it straight back to them! 🧐

Theres no such thing as 'Freedom of Speech' on Cyclechat or any other online forum, you choose to abide by the posting rules or you don't.


Legendary Member
ffs :sad:

While I'd not given it a lot of conscious thought, I've been aware of the slow destruction of anything of value on the net thanks to increasingly over-zealous oversight / regulation by our overlords - either in the name of nanny-state, free-speech-curtailing rubbish and / or thinly-veiled attempts to further the surveillance state.

I've been active for many years on various small, interest-focused forums such as CC and agree wholly with @wiggydiggy's position. While such forums have largely remained constant (if perhaps in the face of declining traffic) in the face of the "new breed" of social media, sites like facebook, instagram, tiktok etc seem to have mutated from decent, legitimate platforms that simply allowed you to stay in touch with friends / those with shared interests into warped, toxic, exploititive, ad-driven rubbish.

Unfortunately it seems that as usual, the few decent interest-driven forums are being swept towards the collective internet cesspit on the tidal wave of effluent that is the "social media".
While sad it's hardly surprising since this is the way the net has been trending since its inception; imagined initially as a borderless, libertarian platform to allow free communication, it's increasingly been destroyed by the insatiable human need for profit, surveillance and control.

Naievely I'd sort of assumed that the humble forum might be immune to / slip under the radar of such nastiness; but of course I should have known they'd try to get us somehow.

I can see that all this will achieve - like most other acts of control and prohibition - is to drive stuff underground... does all this shite still apply if the forums aren't publicly-visible?
All social media is funded by hate in this way.

Outrageous and hateful posts/ videos demand a response.

Posts with more responses are pushed by the algorithm to more people.

Companies pay for advertising to be seen by the people the posts are pushed to.

These people also respond. And the cycle continues.

Outrage, lies and hate are amplified. Discussion, truth and agreement are suppressed.

Sadly that does seem true and is the reason I dumped quora

I only use faceache for limited groups so don't get fed to much rage bait

youtube thus far seems OK


Legendary Member
Here's a linky to the actual (not draft as I originally wrote) legislation

I've only skim-read so far, but when dealing with legal matters I've generally found reading the actual law to be worthwhile rather than believing inflammatory summaries often from someone with an axe to grind. Legislation is generally fairly clear and readable and whether I might agree or not is usually quite sensible so to speak
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South Wales
Here's a linky to the actual draft legislation
Not draft. It was passed last year, although most of it doesn't come into force until 10th January 2025.

I've only skim-read so far, but when dealing with legal matters I've generally found reading the actual law to be worthwhile rather than believing inflammatory summaries often from someone with an axe to grind. Legislation is generally fairly clear and readable and whether I might agree or not is usually quite sensible so to speak

I agree.

But this one is far too convoluted to be easy to read.


self serving virtue signaller


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
All social media is funded by hate in this way.

Outrageous and hateful posts/ videos demand a response.

Posts with more responses are pushed by the algorithm to more people.

Companies pay for advertising to be seen by the people the posts are pushed to.

These people also respond. And the cycle continues.

Outrage, lies and hate are amplified. Discussion, truth and agreement are suppressed.
And of course when regulation comes to moderate their behaviour, that only benefits them with their economies of scale, big budgets and expensive lawyers.


Kilometre nibbler
Unless there is a part of the site I’m not seeing, I don’t think illegal harms is a major concern for the content posted here. Though you might have to stop posting pictures of your Yfronts. I think there will need to be a review of terms and conditions, that everyone will need to accept, to continue using the site. Private messages have never been private on anything other than end to end encrypted services such as Signal. Google have been scanning the content of every Gmail messages since inception for instance.

As for illegal or harmful content, it’s as much what you do about it, when you become aware of it. If you allow it to the remain, or multiply…

This site remains open and visible to search engines, GCHQ, the public. I’d think the Government agencies would be more concerned with sites that try to remain private, hidden, which is where I’d think the harmful / illegal content is being shared.

I've not read up on it yet, but I'm guessing that Ming is right here. Revised T's and C's, revamped moderation. Probably a formal risk assessment in the background.

If the parallel with GDPR is correct that will be about it. There was a lot of uninformed hogwash written about GDPR - how it was draconian and would force companies out of business, blah blah whereas it was actually sorted simply by a bit of introspection, asking "am I being a dick?" and then cleaning up your act if so, and putting place measures to check that it stays ok. Most responsible organisations were in good shape anyway.


Legendary Member
Sounds good to me, stop everyone saying anything you don't want to hear, what's not to like? Perhaps a few more like Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie will get their comeuppance. Instead of everyone arguing about politics, religion, Brexit or whatever, they can all argue about what should be banned and what shouldn't instead.


South Wales
Sounds good to me, stop everyone saying anything you don't want to hear, what's not to like?

Perhaps try reading the legislation rather than going by the doom-mongering headlines from "influencers"?

It will not be doing that at all. If it isn't an offence to say something now, then it will not be something platforms need to take measures to prevent.

Generally, moderation on here does get rid of anything posted which would fall foul of the law.


Legendary Member
It will not be doing that at all. If it isn't an offence to say something now, then it will not be something platforms need to take measures to prevent.

And how will owners of such platforms know without monitoring every single word?

Answers on a microfilm to...

They won't,
1984 Is Coming True,
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