The Foragers' Thread

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Still furkling for walnuts. I now have four full trays (the green cardboard ones they have in supermarkets) drying in the sun.


I'd love to get back onto the old airbase we lived on in the 1970s, I used to pick mushrooms the size of dinner plates. Flesh so thick it was almost like streak, wonderful things...never seen them like that since.


Active Member
First ceps of the season for me (and a Slippery Jack with the tubes removed). Not many but a good size and quite a bit later than usual. Could have had four times the amount but the badgers and slugs got there first. There were countless Russulas that had suffered the same fate, plus a very large number of poisonous species.

The best bits are already sliced and drying, and I always make a risotto from the offcuts of the first haul of the season.


Active Member
In case anybody missed it yesterday, let's be careful out there:

In case you might miss it tonight:
More about the lifecycle and vital ecological contribution than identification and edibility, but still worth a watch for the mycologically curious.

ps - drawn a blank today other than some pavement mushrooms growing at the edge of the tarmac that were too caked in road grime to be worth it.


Grand Old Lady
In case anybody missed it yesterday, let's be careful out there:

In case you might miss it tonight:
More about the lifecycle and vital ecological contribution than identification and edibility, but still worth a watch for the mycologically curious.

ps - drawn a blank today other than some pavement mushrooms growing at the edge of the tarmac that were too caked in road grime to be worth it.

It don't help when sellers in association with Amazon are churning out utter rubbish A.I generated sheet which could kill people...


Active Member
Three decent-sized Ceps; some Common Puffballs; Amethyst Deceivers and lastly, a Witches Egg.


I see dozens of these, but have never plucked up the courage to try one - mainly as I am reluctant to eat anything that is described as 'an acquired taste'. Until now. I sliced it and fried it in butter and olive oil (I admit I cut off the layer of 'jelly').


The texture was similar to whelks/squid, and the flavour like raw potato - it is not something I am going to acquire a taste for.
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